"Give hope, give life."
ASSHO Nonprofit Organization in Kabul Afghanistan is formally registered with Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Human Rights of Afghanistan in 2015 by clearing all the necessary requirements of the Afghan Law to work for Social Cause in Afghanistan.
- Commitment
- Respect for human dignity
- Efficiency & effectiveness
- Mutual trust and cooperation
- Transparency and accountability
- Innovation
ASSHO is a nonprofit organization in Kabul Afghanistan established in 2015 governed by an autonomous Board of Directors (BOD).The board members are highly motivated and committed to work for extremely vulnerable communities. ASSHO Afghanistan has taken many initiatives to support the community organizations and Volunteers in Afghanistan.
"A healthy world is a happy world."
Sartorial Mission is to promote reproductive health services through awareness and advocacy, through building and strengthening partnerships between public, private and NGOs sectors, and through provision of technical assistance, focusing on men and women of all ages (especially marginalized groups) .Due to lack of education & poverty people of the area live a miserable standard of life. Diseases are caused due to poor standard of life like Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, blood deficiency etc. are common to be alarming limit. There is no concept of maternal care & most of women either prey of childbirth or handicapped during maternal carelessness.
In order to overcome the situation ASSHO a Nonprofit Organization in Kabul Afghanistan is committed to organize Medical Team with mobile laboratory & radiology & cardiology facilities in order to help these people in need.