ASSHO Afghanistan’s Educational Initiatives

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"Educate a man, and you light a candle. Educate a woman, and you ignite a beacon that brightens the entire nation."

Within this short span of time and with its limited resources, ASSHO Afghanistan has played a vital role in education sector. The cabinet members, who belong to the same area, are familiar with the basic needs and psychology of the inhabitants of the region, and are consequently motivating them to achieve the objects of ASSHO Afghanistan among which education is top priority. ASSHO Afghanistan is striving for mass awareness, establishing schools, vocational centers, establishing literacy, computer & free tuition centers, provision of uniforms & books to poor & deserving children. ASSHO Afghanistan is also committed to provide scholarship for brilliant position holders studying in professional colleges/universities i.e. Medical, Engineering, MBAs and MCs etc.
ASSHO Afghanistan has organize  Go-to-school sessions at different parts of Afghanistan with a basic theme to create awareness among the masses about the importance and significance of education for a progressive and appraised communal life. The campaign is concentrated to engage youth, male and female community members, educationists and other personal from various walks of life to disseminate information and sensitize masses thus to realize objectives of Go-to-School Campaign.
 Access to basic education and achievement of primary education are the most important objectives of the Spread Education Project. Education is a vital prerequisite for combating poverty, protecting children from hazardous and exploitative labor and exploitation, promoting human rights and democracy, empowering women, protecting the environment and influencing population growth.