
ASSHO Policy & Procedures :

The Afghanistan Solidarity for Social & Humanity Organization (ASSHO) recognizes the importance of grant-making activities to further our mission and promote social development. This policy outlines the principles and guidelines governing grant-making procedures within ASSHO.

Policy Statement :


  1. Transparency and Accountability: ASSHO will ensure transparency and accountability in all grant-making This includes providing clear information about the criteria for awarding grants, application procedures, and the selection process.
  2. Equal Opportunity: ASSHO is committed to providing equal opportunities to all eligible organizations and entities, irrespective of their size, location, or legal status.
  3. Compliance with UN Women: Grant-making activities will adhere to the UN Women Terms of Reference of the Call for Proposals (CFP) as
  4. Conflict of Interest: ASSHO will ensure that individuals involved in the grant-making process disclose any potential conflicts of interest, and appropriate measures will be taken to mitigate such conflicts.
  5. Anti-Corruption: Grant-making activities will be conducted with a strict anti-corruption stance. ASSHO will not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery, or unethical
  6. Reporting and Monitoring: Grant recipients are required to provide regular reports as per the terms of the grant agreement. ASSHO will also conduct monitoring and evaluations as

 Grand Making procedures

 Identification of Opportunities

  ASSHO will identify grant-making opportunities based on our mission, strategic objectives, and available resources.

 Application and Review
  1. Announcement: Grant opportunities will be publicly announced in accordance with UN Women’s Terms of
  2. Application Submission: Applicants must follow the specified application procedures outlined in the grant
  3. Review and Selection: ASSHO will conduct a thorough review and selection process in accordance with the grant-making A selection committee may be formed as required.
1.   Grant Award
  1. Notification: Successful applicants will be notified of their grant
  2. Grant Agreement: A formal grant agreement will be signed between ASSHO and the grant recipient, outlining the terms and conditions of the grant.
2.   Grant Implementation
  1. Monitoring and Reporting: The grant recipient will be required to submit regular reports and participate in monitoring activities as specified in the grant
  2. Compliance: Grant recipients must adhere to all grant terms and comply with UN Women’s Terms of
3. Evaluation and Follow-up
  1. Final Evaluation: At the conclusion of the grant period, a final evaluation will be
  2. Follow-up: Any recommendations from the evaluation will be implemented, and a report will be
4.Compliance with UN Women CFP

This policy and its associated procedures will be implemented in accordance with the UN Women Terms of Reference of the Call for Proposals (CFP) where applicable.

5.Documentation and Records

All documentation related to grant-making activities will be maintained, including announcements, applications, selection criteria, grant agreements, reports, and evaluations.

6.Review and Updates

This policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as needed to ensure its continued relevance and compliance with UN Women’s standards.

Gender Policy

It is our policy that all employees have the right in an environment free from any type of illegal discrimination, including sexual harassment..

Environmental Responsibility

We strive to integrate ecofriendly technologies, promote recycling and reusing strategies ,and advocate for the conservation of natural habitats.

Social Policy

ASSHO is committed to ensuring social justice, equality, and inclusivity. Our projects are vehicles for promoting human rights, gender equality, and diversity

Anti-Fraud Policy

Maintaining the highest ethical standards in all its activities and preventing fraud, corruption, and misconduct in the organization's operations.


At the Afghanistan Solidarity for Social & Humanity Organization , we hold an unwavering commitment to sustainability across all aspects of our operations.

Risk Management

This Risk Management Policy outlines the principles, processes for identifying, and mitigating risks to ensure the organization's organization’s continued success .